Overnight IBM i Version Upgrade

Victor Medical Case Study

“I shipped a copy of my system to Source Data to upgrade my environment to V7R1, preload my new POWER server and have it ready for testing. The whole process was very smooth. Overall, Source Data did a great job and was always very accommodating to my busy schedule” Jon Pierce, Director of Information Technology, Victor Medical


Victor Medical is based in Irvine, California and is a regional distributor of veterinary medical products serving California and Nevada. Victor Medical supplies anything a veterinary hospital needs.

Jon Pierce is Director of Information Technology at Victor Medical.

Reliable, Knowledgeable Technician Is Real Expert

“Working with OS400 technician Mark Breisacher is great. Mark is one of those guys where I really don’t have to worry about the details. I explain to Mark what I need to have done – and he takes it from there. As a project leader he instills confidence that everything will go smoothly and on schedule.

“I shipped a copy of my system to Mark to upgrade my environment to V7R1, preload my new POWER i and have it ready for testing. The whole process was very smooth. Overall, Mark did a great job and was always very accommodating to my busy schedule.”

Mark Breisacher Makes My Job So Much Easier

“Working with Mark makes my job so much easier. Again, I can just hand the project off to Mark and it’s done. As an on-going business, there is a lot going on at Victor. I found Source Data to be very accommodating to my schedule.”

Source Data Helped Us Get The Best Price And Performance

“I would definitely recommend Source Data Products. I would tell anyone that with Source Data you are going to get the right machine at the right price from the right people in place to get your project done.


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Cloud400 DR Is 30% to 70% Less Expensive Than An On Premise Or Hosted DR Solution Without Sacrificing Top-Seasoned IBM i Expertise, Security, And Performance

Providing IBM i Customers with Solutions & Expertise Since 1979.

Source Data Products offers reliable, cost-effective solutions for IBM i, AS400, and iSeries systems. With over four decades of experience, we deliver expert cloud hosting, upgrades, and disaster recovery.


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