A 120 year old Midwestern manufacturer had supported their business with an IBM POWER6 8203-E4A on V6R1, with 700 GB at 80% capacity, running Infor XA (MAPICS). They have 100 users mostly on Windows 7. The company has two 6400 line printers and other IPDS printers attached for barcoding.
Bobbi Reads SDP Newsletter
Bobbi had been reading “The Insider”, Source Data Product’s newsletter, for many years. She found the newsletter was helpful to explain to her upper management the strength and benefits of the IBM i server compared to Windows.
“I always enjoyed getting your newsletters. You are a big proponent of the AS400 and it has helped me to get management to see how valuable that machine is… over, like a Windows platform,” Bobbi explains.
“Some of the articles in the newsletters over the years helped explain to management what makes the iSeries, IBM i, a more reliable value and more cost effective. I pass some of those articles along to management. You have to – that’s the only chance for them to see that information.”
5 Year Upgrade Plan
“We budget for a new server every 4-5 years. That’s how fast technology changes. It’s usually worth it compared to maintenance fees on older systems. It’s a no brainer, really.
“We are running at 70-80% when we get all our ERP production and test environments loaded. A couple of times each year, we have to add extra environments and each new one takes another 7%.
“Plus we needed to upgrade our OS as 6.1 was losing IBM support in the fall. With a newer OS release, we need a new system to handle it all.”
Review Upgrade Options
As she read the newsletter, Bobbi decided that SDP should be one of the suppliers she would consider when she evaluated her upgrade options.
In September 2014 she began looking at her options. Besides two local IBM Business Partners, she also invited Source Data to determine how they could help her with her new server.
Only Source Data Uses Assessment Tool
Unlike the other IBM BPs, only SDP asked Bobbi to complete an in depth assessment about her current IT environment. Based on her answers, SDP explained how she could upgrade to a new IBM POWER8 server and save money by eliminating two (2) IBM licensed program products she did not use but cost her $2000 a year in IBM software support fees.
SDP Assessment Uncovers Need For Speed.
Source Data’s assessment revealed that Bobbi wanted to see dramatic performance improvement. As such, SDP suggested that she should consider SSDs.
Source Data clearly explained that despite the improved performance of the POWER8, she would not get dramatic performance improvement with the upgrade because of the limitation of the disk arms. SDP explained that the IBM POWER6 gets about 150 CPW per disk arm; 8 x 150 = 1200 CPW. The IBM POWER8 gets about 200 CPW per disk arm: 8 x 200 = 1600 CPW. This meant that while the new POWER8 was faster than the POWER6, the disk performance limitation would not take advantage of the newer, faster POWER8 server.
300% Performance Improvement Possible With SSDs
SDP explained that by moving to SSDs, Bobbi’s new system could achieve 3500-4000 CPW for a 300% performance improvement.
Source Data was the only IBM Business Partner to recommend SSDs to Bobbi as a way to achieve the desired improvements.
More Cost Cutting With Remote Upgrade
Source Data also proposed shipping Bobbi’s new server to the SDP computer lab to preload her system prior to delivery to her location. This approach allows Bobbi and her team to test the upgrade to V7R2 without impacting her production environment. It also reduces the dedicated downtime needed during migration from the legacy POWER6 server to the new IBM POWER8.
Best of all, this preload approach was half the price that the other IBM Business Partners would charge to upgrade her new server.
Thorough Evaluation Shows Obvious Vendor Choice
Bobbi tells us, “I did a spreadsheet comparison. And I asked questions.
“I needed 3 bids. Selection was based on price and the company itself. There was a big difference on configurations. I asked questions. Answers to those questions made the picture really clear.”
After evaluating all the vendors, Bobbi selected Source Data Products. “Once we got all the facts down, the choice was easy. SDP was far more knowledgeable of the IBM POWER server and the migration process. I found SDP was more comprehensive answering my questions, more responsive, more knowledgeable, and more competent. Best of all, SDP had the best price for the new IBM POWER8 and their migration services were half the cost of the local providers.”
Clear Answers
Bobbi found SDP to be very attentive. They responded to Bobbi’s questions which covered a wide range of topics from IBM technology, IBM pricing, IBM policies, IBM software, and IBM support by providing written answers that were comprehensive and understandable.
“You gave answers, you gave clear answers, you gave them at a level I could understand. That is the kind of company I want to work with”
All That And Lowest Price? Wonderful!
“It was also wonderful that SDP had the lowest price – by a lot.”
Disappointment With Local BP
Bobbi expressed disappointment with her current local IBM Business Partner because they had always included some software products without taking the time to understand that these products were never in use and had cost thousands of dollars each year in IBM software support.
Bobbi shares a bit of her conversation with the other Business Partner where she asks “why”. “Why did you quote us that software? Their stock answer is “that’s what we always do.’” Bobbi says, “Well, you are not treating us like an individual. Those are not our needs.”
Bobbi felt that SDP treated her like an individual – something the other IBM Business Partners clearly did not.
Quick, Easy Go Live
“We went live on October 10, starting at 10:30 pm. Mark Breisacher and I worked about 3 hours saving and restoring from the old system to the new. I went home, got a good night sleep and started again Sunday morning. I worked for about 3 hours to get everything else setup and tested. I let a couple users test in the afternoon and all was well.
“There were no major interruptions on Monday when all the users were using it. “
Mark Breisacher Is Great!
“Mark is very personable. You feel like you’re talking to a friend you’ve known for a long time. I talked with Mark a couple times that week on items that didn’t really affect anyone.”
“Smoothest Transition/Migration I Have Ever Done”
“I have to say this was probably the smoothest transition I have done. Of course there was a lot of pre-planning that went into it. It sure helped that Mark took care of the machine set
up at the SDP computer lab. That is not my area of expertise. I worked with the vendors on
getting all their software updated and licensed and ready for the Power8 on V7R2. We did not have Mark come on-site; my network guy assisted in getting the Power8 and LTO5 tape drive in the rack and hooked up. It was like plug and play. We were up and running. It went very smooth.”
Happy Users
“A 15 minute process now takes just a few minutes.
“I did have a couple users mention how they noticed the speed. That was great to hear. That is the icing on the cake.”
“I am noticing it to be about 50% faster. I was actually hoping for better but if the users are happy, then I’m happy.”
Bobbi S. Recommends Source Data Products
“It truly was amazing. I am still in awe! I just had the best experience of my life.”