Cloud400 Disaster Recovery

Herregan Distributors Case Study

“I recommend Cloud400 Online Backup. The cloud backup solution works great. It is cost-effective. And the Cloud400 team is very helpful and responsive.” Cindy Moison, IT and Pricing Manager, Herregan Distributors


Herregan Distributors is one of the largest flooring distributors in the United States. Herregan distributes all types of flooring, including ceramic tile, wood and stone. Privately held and located in St. Paul, Minnesota, Herregan supports its staff of 150 employees with an IBM 8202-E4D with Gartman DMS software.

Software-Based Cloud Backup Problems

“We had been using a combination of tape backup and a software-based backup to the cloud,” explains Cindy Moison, Herregan’s IT and Pricing Manager. “We were having problems with the software-based backup to the cloud. This backup solution would run too long and overlap into our production in the morning, so we had to discontinue it.”

Target IBM POWER Server Considered – Way Too Expensive

“We even looked at transmitting our backups to a second IBM POWER server. Wow, that second IBM server was way more expensive that we originally thought. When we added the cost of the IBM software and software support for permanent keys, it just made no economic sense.”

Software Provider Introduces Cloud400 Online Backup

“Our software provider, Gartman, introduced us to Cloud400 Online Backup. I compared it with other cloud solutions, including options from our Windows’ Managed Service Provider, All Covered.”

Affordable Solution, Expert Support For IBM POWER Server

“After looking at our options, it became very clear to us the Cloud400 Online Backup with the Virtual Tape Library is a very affordable solution designed for our IBM POWER server with expert IBM i support.

Coordinated Set Up For Cloud400 FREE Test

“We ordered the Cloud400 Online Backup. When the online backup solution arrived at my office, my people from All Covered and the Cloud400 team worked together to get everything set up. The Cloud400 team worked very well with my All Covered team. They got it plugged into our IBM server, set up the internet connection and our backups got transmitted daily to Cloud400.”

Smooth Test Phase Has One Surprise

“During the test phase we had one surprise. One of my teammates was creating special Query analysis reports. I told my coworker it was OK to save his reports in my file. What I did not expect is that our system suddenly was 98% full.

“I got 2-3 people from Gartman, 2-3 people from All Covered and 2 people from Cloud400 to help me out. They all worked together to figure out what had happened and how to fix the disk space problem.”

Cloud400 Engineer Frees Up Space On IBM 8202 Remotely

“The Cloud400 engineer, Aaron, remotely dialed into the server, saved the big Query reports to the VTL, so we could delete them from our IBM 8202 and free up space.

“After the space problem got fixed, everything worked just great again.”

Cloud400 Team Very Helpful, Responsive 

“Overall, I found the Cloud400 team to be accessible, helpful, knowledgeable and responsive.”

Cindy Moison Recommends Cloud400 Online Backup

“I recommend Cloud400 Online Backup. The cloud backup solution works great. It is cost-effective. And the Cloud400 team is very helpful and responsive.”


Get System Recovery in Minutes, Not Days.

Cloud400 DR Is 30% to 70% Less Expensive Than An On Premise Or Hosted DR Solution Without Sacrificing Top-Seasoned IBM i Expertise, Security, And Performance

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Source Data Products offers reliable, cost-effective solutions for IBM i, AS400, and iSeries systems. With over four decades of experience, we deliver expert cloud hosting, upgrades, and disaster recovery.


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