Cloud400 Disaster Recovery

Cloud400 DR Is 30% to 70% Less Expensive Than An On Premise Or Hosted DR Solution Without Sacrificing Top-Seasoned IBM i Expertise, Security, And Performance

Searching For A Safe, Proven, and Affordable Disaster Recovery Solution For Your IBM i (iSeries/AS400) Critical Applications? We've got what you're looking for.

"Our Cloud400 Disaster Recovery plans ensure peace of mind, protecting critical applications and keeping businesses operational during even the most challenging circumstances."– Bob Losey, Owner

Free 60-Day Trial

In just 60 days, experience a seamless transition to our IBM i hosted solution. Enjoy 30%-70% savings, enhanced security, speed, expert support, and no capital expenses or approvals needed.

Do you need a developed IBM disaster recovery plan?

One that you can count on because you can test it on a regular basis and certify all elements are working as expected? Have you ever considered how much time your critical systems can be down – or the cost to you if your AS400 or iSeries disaster recovery plan failed?

Cloud400 DR provides multiple IBM disaster recovery, iSeries disaster recovery and AS400 disaster recovery solutions to fit various Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) requirements.

Despite the IBM i reputation for legendary reliability, your critical applications can still have downtime – planned and unplanned.

Let us help your business continue. Contact us now to help you with your IBM i, iSeries, IBM FlashSystem Storage, or AS400 disaster recovery plan.

For information on pricing and detailed plan specifications please contact us.

Our Meticulous Project Planning Ensures every detail is accounted for.

Cloud400 High Availability (HA) – Constant Replication

For your mission critical applications that require the fastest RTO and RPO we recommend Highly Available (HA) for constant replication. Generally, our clients have selected MIMIX, iTera, or QEDD replication software, although there are other alternatives. This IBM disaster recovery HA solution provides the quickest recovery time — in minutes instead of days — because your data is being constantly replicated across the wire to your Cloud400 DR backup.

Three reasons Cloud400 DR is 30%-70% less expensive than an on premise HA server or hosted solution without sacrificing an ounce of performance:

1. Pay for only what you need,
2. Pay for the level of backup and recovery you want,
3. Our replication software is less expensive – you only pay for the copy needed for your on-premise production server.

More About Cloud400 High Availability >

Cloud400 IBM FlashSystem Storage – SAN-to-SAN Replication

IBM FlashSystem Storage provides simplified asynchronous replication between two systems. This means you can replicate your production system to a target system beyond 28 miles for Disaster Recovery (DR).

This service provides simplified asynchronous replication between systems, allowing replication intervals from daily to every hour. Cloud400 IBM FlashSystem Storage enables recovery from the last transmission point in minutes.

Three reasons Cloud400 FlashSystem Storage is less expensive than High Availability (HA):

1. No HA software license and related annual software support fees,
2. No HA implementation professional service fees,
3. No cost for an active target LPAR – your system is saved to a target IBM FlashSystem Storage.

More About Cloud400 IBM FlashSystem Storage >

Cloud400 Online Backup – Recovery From Your Daily Backups In 6-24 Hours

Cloud400 Online Backup is an affordable recovery option for any IBM i, AS400, System i or iSeries disaster recovery plan. With Online Backup you save from your IBM i production server to an on-premise Virtual Tape Drive (VTL) and send periodic daily changes to your Cloud400 data vault. The speed of the VTL reduces your backup window. Data deduplication dramatically shrinks the data that is encrypted and transmitted to Cloud400. Should you declare a disaster we restore your system to a Cloud400 backup server (a Logical Partition or LPAR) at our data center. The Online Backup RPO is usually around 6-24 hours. The RTO really depends on the time of your last replicated backup.

More About Cloud400 Online Backup >

Cloud400 Tape Recovery

Cloud400 Tape Recovery is our most affordable disaster recovery solution for IBM i, iSeries, AS400 or System i users that are OK to recover within 24-48 hours. This is a great option if you need to show management or auditors that you have a formal DR plan in place for your iSeries.

Each quarter you send us a complete system save (Save21) backup tape for us to keep on hand in our fireproof vault.

When you declare a disaster, we start building your Cloud400 Logical Partition (LPAR or virtual server) from your backup. You also overnight us your most recent backup to restore to your Cloud400 LPAR so we can get you back up and running with current balances from your last backup.

Also during this period, we connect your firewall with our firewall with point-to-point VPN. We estimate recovery within a range of 24-48 hours, depending on the declaration and the receipt of the backup tape.

More About Cloud400 Tape Recovery >

Cloud400 Emergency Replacement (ER) Server – Server Shipped To Your Location

Ease the stress of an IBM i, AS400, System i or iSeries disaster recovery with an emergency replacement server that is comparable or better than your current server’s performance and capacity. The Cloud400 ER server is shipped to a location you specify. You can take delivery at your office or another location if your office is not suitable for business.

From time of declaring the need for the Cloud400 ER server, allow about 2 days for express delivery (about 1 day to retrieve the server from inventory, add any requisite features and test and 1 day for overnight freight to any location you specify. Upon receipt, you restore your backup tapes to the Cloud400 ER server.

More About Cloud400 Emergency Replacement server >

Sign Up for a Free 60-Day Trial

In just 60 days, experience a seamless transition to our IBM i/OS400 hosted solution. Enjoy 30%-70% savings, enhanced security, speed, expert support, and no capital expenses or approvals needed. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE 60-DAY FREE TRIAL >>

Easy, Flexible with a Seamless 'Go-live'.

Cloud400 Offers Real Savings

Cloud400 offers 30%-70% savings compared to IBM on-premise server Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and other cloud hosting solutions. You could save $5,000 – $20,000 annually or more, without compromising performance. Click here to learn more about our cost-effective, high-performance solutions.

Sign Up for a Free 60-Day Trial

In just 60 days, experience a seamless transition to our IBM i/OS400 hosted solution. Enjoy 30%-70% savings, enhanced security, speed, expert support, and no capital expenses or approvals needed. GET A FREE TRIAL >

What IBM i Disaster Recovery Clients are Saying...

“We Had Become Dissatisfied With Our Current MIMIX Hosting Provider And Wanted To Find Another Hosting Company We Could Rely On. We Checked Several Options. It Was Apparent Cloud400 Understood Hosting MIMIX And IBM i Applications. The Pricing Was Very Good... The Transfer To Cloud400 MIMIX Hosting Was Excellent. I Honestly Have Not Seen A Conversion Go So Smooth."
Barry Cole, IT Manager, Care West Insurance Company

"Affordable Cloud Hosted can actually get an iSeries in the cloud! I thought the idea was awesome.”
Michael Hart, DPD Network Administrator, Team Worldwide

“Cloud400 Online Backup With Remote Journaling – Very Affordable With Recovery From Point Of Last Transmission. Way Faster Than Tape Backup And We Don’t Have To Mess With Tapes!”
Pat Bayer, CIO, AmesburyTruth

“Cloud400 Online Backup is an affordable disaster recovery solution managed by IBM i experts. The Cloud400 team is easy to work with, very understanding about issues, problems you run into, and make it as easy to implement as possible.”
Sheila Bosworth, Director of Information Technology, Elias Wilf

“When we compared the cost of the IBM CBU at over $100,000 and Cloud400™, the cloud approach just made lots of sense... the Cloud400 team knows what they were doing, have been in business a long time, and really knew OS400... cloud400 contributes to a real watershed moment for the growth of Equitable Life & Casualty with a target system in sync and failover ready.”
John Sullivan, Dir. of Operations, Equitable Life & Casualty Insurance Company

“Ultimately, we determined that a new on-premise production server with High Availability replication to Cloud400 was most cost-effective for us.”
David Strawn, Vice President, Information Technology and Solutions, Pacific Coast Warehouse, Inc.

“Our software provider, Gartman, introduced us to Cloud400 Online Backup. I compared it with other cloud solutions, including options from our Windows’ managed service provider.”
Cindy Moison, IT and Pricing Manager, Herregan Distributors

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Source Data Products offers reliable, cost-effective solutions for IBM i, AS400, and iSeries systems. With over four decades of experience, we deliver expert cloud hosting, upgrades, and disaster recovery.


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