IBM i (iSeries/AS400) On Power Case Studies
Explore how Source Data has successfully transformed businesses with IBM i (iSeries/AS400) on Power solutions. Our case studies showcase real-world examples of seamless migrations, upgrades, and optimizations, delivering reliability, efficiency, and cost savings across various industries.
"Our case studies reflect the hard work and dedication of our team. I'm incredibly proud of each success." – Bob Losey, Owner, Source Data Solutions
- "We Paid $99,200 Less Than I Thought We Would Have To Pay For Our New IBM Power7 i." "I knew Source Data’s prices were always better than the ‘big kids’, so I invited them to participate in our upgrade planning." Bob Loser, Former I.S. Administrator, Master Magnetics, Inc.
- “I would definitely recommend Source Data for a new IBM POWER i server” "We Paid $41,000 Less For Our New IBM i Server Than Our Last System, It Runs 600%+ Faster, And We Got A Seamless Migration And Smooth Go Live" Tom Cox, IT Consultant United Credit Service, Inc.
- “Source Data gave me the best value IBM i Server – I avoided $42,100 extra printer costs and reduced our IBM support costs $7,763 per year.” Jerome Stillions, IS Manager, T.I.S. Group
- “Eliminating Unneeded Software Helped Me Justify SSDs. My Performance Improved 200% - 300%.” Bobbi S., IT Programmer Analyst, Midwestern Manufacturer
- "My company requires we get 3 bids – and Source Data Products, Inc .had the best price. As a JD Edwards user, the biggest difference was the price for setup and migration. I got one bid for the JD Edwards migration that was nearly 5 times the price quoted by Source Data – a savings of $40,000." Jerrod Williams, Information Technology Manager, Steve P. Rados, Inc.
- "With Source Data you are going to get the right machine at the right price from the right people to get your project done." "I paid $50,000 less than I expected and got a smooth migration to my new IBM Power i from a reliable, expert OS400 project leader." Jon Pierce, Director of Information Technology, Victor Medical
- “I put my requirements out to a couple of different BPs and they were outrageously expensive. They made me feel like we were more of an after-thought. We just weren’t big enough for those IBM Business Partners.” Charlie Schisler IT Manager Elevator Equipment Corporation (EECO)
- "Source Data saved me over $21,891 per year in IBM support! We went to the new IBM POWER i – all the hardware, software, and support is built into the lease – the payback was in less than 28 months.” Richard G., Information Technology Director Apex Logistics, LLC
- “I would definitely recommend Source Data Products for IBM POWER i. Those guys REALLY know their stuff!” Source figured out exactly what we needed, they had the experience to make sure it was right for us and they knew that even though our e-commerce application maxed out our POWER5, the 8202-E4B could easily handle our new web site. I was confident that what Source Data was telling me was based on decades of experience – and that counts for a lot.” Mike Escobedo, IT Director, West American Rubber Company, LLC

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Providing IBM i Customers with Solutions & Expertise Since 1979.
Source Data Products offers reliable, cost-effective solutions for IBM i, AS400, and iSeries systems. With over four decades of experience, we deliver expert cloud hosting, upgrades, and disaster recovery.
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