The purpose of this blog is to highlight 3 successful habits to deal with life’s adversities. A special friend shared these powerful insights with me. I want to pass them on to you.
Everything comes bearing a gift and that gift is what you learn from whatever you are working through.
We are meant to grow. Working through change is one of the ways we do that. So what can we do to help us move through challenging times? There are three little words that are of great help.
The first word is FAITH. Difficult as it can be to believe, everything is exactly the way it should be. That may be hard to accept when you are facing a challenge, yet that challenge is simply life’s way of telling you there is something you are ready to learn. It is time for you to grow. So, even when you don’t like what is happening, even though you wish it weren’t happening, there is great comfort in knowing you are in a growing season. That approach makes it easier to be open to what the situation can teach you. Being Open and willing to learn makes it easier to go with the flow when the going gets tough.
One of the things you can do when you are facing difficulties is simply to ask, What is this trying to teach me? What can I learn from this?
Then, instead of resisting the problem, you can begin to work with it.
It’s a lot like mining for gold. You know the gold is there, but you won’t find it until you start to look for it.
That’s why the second word is TRUST. Trust in the end result. Know that your good – your growth is not only waiting for you, it is ordained. If it weren’t, the opportunity wouldn’t be there. This attitude is especially helpful when working through really difficult situations. It doesn’t take the problem away, but it helps immensely when we can put our trust in the hand that is leading us – and teaching us – every step of the way. You see, there really is meaning and purpose behind whatever is happening in your life.
This attitude just naturally leads to GRATITUDE for all of the above because now I know there is wisdom behind whatever is happening. That wisdom is founded on a love that never leaves you, that is always aware of our every need, and is supporting you in ways you can’t possibly begin to imagine.
All things can be used for some good purpose. Yes, all things. Nothing is ever wasted. The greater the challenge, the greater the gift.
Acceptance of “what is “ will always be a choice. Whenever tough moments come along, ask yourself what the situation can teach you.
Then work with these three little words: FAITH, TRUST, and GRATITUDE. Allow them to remove whatever resistance you may be feeling so you can be open to where life is ready to take you. Great strength and courage can come from knowing that you are working toward a purpose that is always supporting our highest good.