REVEALED: 3 NEW Trends Why IBM i (iSeries/AS400) Users Move To Cloud Hosting

The purpose of this blog is to explain the latest trends that make IBM i (iSeries/AS400) cloud hosting such a popular trend. Disclaimer: IBM i is an operating system. iSeries […]

Disclaimer: IBM i is an operating system. iSeries and AS400 are servers. I use these terms interchangeably to make it easy for folks to find this kind of information on the web.

The purpose of this blog is to explain the latest trends that make IBM i (iSeries/AS400) cloud hosting such a popular trend. Disclaimer: IBM i is an operating system. iSeries and AS400 are servers. I use them interchangeably to make it easier for people to find the information they want on the web.

In many of my recent discussions with clients that have moved or are thinking about moving to IBM i cloud hosting, I am hearing some new compelling factors.

Since we started IBM i cloud hosting, cost savings has often been mentioned.

IBM i Cloud Hosting Costs Less

It is pretty straightforward to understand how you can save when hosting:

  • You share a fraction of a server to support your needs instead of buying an on premise server with way more than you require.
  • You have no IBM i activation fees (the fee charged for an IBM i OS license).
  • You have no user count fees.
  • You have no IBM hardware or software support fees.

So, when you compare the monthly fee of IBM i hosting to the cost of a new server, often hosting wins hands down.

** Newly Important ** IBM i Administration Is Included With Hosting

While we have always including IBM i administration with our hosting service, more frequently I hear this is a BIG reason to move to the cloud.

IBM i administration and managed services handles your backups, server tuning for performance, console error messages, software fixes to your IBM licensed program products, attention to needed hardware and software issues, and version upgrades.

More IBM i users are concerned about their IBM i skills going away. Commonly I hear that the IBM i talent that users have relied on is retiring. Or, the local IBM i consultant is winding down. Or no longer available.

I also hear of many IBM i operations where the newly assigned IT director has expertise in other technology … NOT IBM i.

Further, when IBM i users look for support talent, they find it hard to find and relatively expensive.

As these IBM i users explore cloud hosting that includes IBM i administration and expertise included in the price, they get very excited with the knowledge their business-critical applications will be competently supported…and with no extra cost because it is part of the hosting fee.

Let’s Stop Right Now And Reflect On What Is Being Said

IBM i users can often justify going to a cloud provider when comparing the monthly hosting fee to a capital acquisition.

When the comparison also includes the cost of IBM i administration of the on premise server, the cost savings offered by hosting is even more dramatic.

Add to that the growing scarcity of skilled IBM i expertise for IT directors with little or no in house IBM i talent, you can see why this is a BIG DEAL.

** Newly Important **Flexibility For An Uncertain Future

IBM i users tell me that their commitment to IBM i is uncertain. They may have plans to leave the platform. Or, they are already moving to a different platform.

Also, IBM i users tell me that their operations are going through change… both up and down… due to changes in their business environment.

In both cases, these users find it difficult to know what they need and for how long.

Their future is uncertain.

IBM i cloud hosting is ideally suited for them as they only pay for what they need and only for as long as they need it. And, they can scale their required resources up or down as the business requires.

More frequently I hear this flexibility is very attractive as they compare hosting to the acquisition of an on premise server.

**Newly Important **Disaster Resilience And Recovery

More frequently I hear that IBM i users are concerned about their ability to withstand or recover from unexpected downtime.

As IBM i users compare their options to harden their on premise environment, move their server to a data center, or consider disaster recovery options, these users often select hosting because it includes a disaster resilient data center and provides additional disaster recovery options that can be less expensive.


When you add up the benefits:

  • Cost savings
  • Outsourced IBM i administration and expertise at no extra cost
  • Term and resource flexibility
  • Disaster resilience and recovery

It is easy to understand why IBM i cloud hosting is so popular.


Need help with IBM i Cloud Hosting? Email me at [email protected] or call me at 714-593-0387.


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    What version of IBM i OS is in place?