What Does It Take To Be Successful? Passion. Proficiency. Profit. Persistence. Not IQ, Talent Or Luck.

I have a 23-year old daughter and 15-year old twins. As they start to think about what they want to do with their life, I want to share powerful, understandable […]

Disclaimer: IBM i is an operating system. iSeries and AS400 are servers. I use these terms interchangeably to make it easy for folks to find this kind of information on the web.

I have a 23-year old daughter and 15-year old twins. As they start to think about what they want to do with their life, I want to share powerful, understandable concepts that can offer them their best chances in life. As much as I know my parents loved me, they could not articulate key principles like what I will share. I did not invent these principles. Instead they are distilled conclusions from decades of being mentored, reading, observing and reflection.

Over the years I have heard many options of what it takes to be successful. Most commonly I have heard IQ (smarts), talent or luck.

Well, like you, I know lots of smart, talented people … some with good jobs… that have had occasional good luck that struggle with life. They wait for good things to happen. That rarely leads to good results. It NEVER leads to sustained good results.

That’s why I selected these 4 principles:

  1. Passion
  2. Proficiency
  3. Profit
  4. Persistence

Let me elaborate on each.

Passion. Find out what you love to do…and do that. When you do what you love, it does not seem hard. It does not feel like work. In fact, it becomes a source of joy and satisfaction.

It is best when shared with others that have your passion.

So, find out what you love to do. Find others that love to do the same thing. Become part of a team with shared passion and purpose.

Proficiency.  Develop a high level of expertise in what you love. In all walks of life we meet people that know their stuff at what they love to do.

Author Malcom Gladwell writes it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become at expert … at sports, music, or other fields of endeavor. I have found that true.

I have also discovered if it is something I love, it does not feel like 10,000 hours of drudgery. Instead, the proficiency journey is fun.

Profit.  The reality of adulthood is we have to take care of ourselves. This will also include your family. You need to do work that pays you so you can take care of yourself, your family and your retirement.

As you look at your career choices that include passion and proficiency, pick employment with excellent income potential. Looks for markets or industry with growth opportunities.

If you have to work (I think we all have to do that), find a way to get paid well.

Find a way to solve a problem for wealthy folks or companies that want your passion and expertise.

You will find it is just as easy (or hard) to work for an employer that pays well compared to one that offers minimum wage. Pick the opportunities that pay the most.

Persistence. Determination. Tenacity. Resilience. Never giving up. That quality is perhaps the most difficult because life is full of disappointments and setbacks.

It is OK to feel disappointment or failure to achieve one’s goals. Even so, you need to develop the habit that when you get “knocked down”, get back up and keep trying. Never give up.

Choice And Action – Not Waiting For Good Results.

Let me emphasize that these 4 principles are a choice and require action.

I stress to my children that you must make choices and take action to achieve what you want.

To be successful you cannot be passive. You must make it a regular habit to practice Passion, Proficiency, Profit and Persistence.


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