Server Virtualization
Many may know that IBM introduced server virtualization for its mainframe in the early 1980’s.
Many of you also may have heard of VMware or Microsoft’s Hyper-V to virtualize an Intel server.
Well, PowerVM is IBM’s server virtualization software for IBM i (iSeries/AS400).
PowerVM For IBM i Virtualization
PowerVM lets you allocate the server memory, storage and performance resources into smaller virtual servers, or Logical Partitions, also called LPARs.
The largest IBM i users commonly consolidate multiple IBM i servers onto a single mainframe class server. I have encountered many Fortune 500 enterprises that have consolidated 50 or more locations on a single server with PowerVM LPARs.
On the other hand, I have rarely found PowerVM installed on small-to-medium sized IBM i POWER servers.
So if you don’t have PowerVM, why should you care?
PowerVM Makes IBM i Cloud400 Possible
PowerVM is what IBM i hosting providers use to cost-effectively support multiple tenants on a single server. LPARs is one of the key elements that make affordable IBM i cloud hosting possible.
PowerVM allows hosting providers to create your unique secure LPAR to run your applications.
So why does this matter?
PowerVM Perfectly Sizes Your Hosting Needs At A Lower Cost
Based on my experience in the IBM AS400 community since 1988, I venture that 80% of the IBM i users can be supported in a range of 700-1800 CPW, 4-16 GB of RAM memory, and 300-1200 GB of storage.
… BUT, they don’t make IBM POWER servers that small any more.
Instead, entry IBM servers commonly come with 4 – 6 cores (40,000–60,000 CPW), 16-256 GB RAM, 900 GB – 4,800 GB of storage (this is 4 – 18 disk units). This means the new POWER servers are way bigger than 80% of the IBM users need. If you are like most IBM i users, when you buy a new POWER server you will never use most of its resources.
With PowerVM, IBM i hosting providers can offer you a custom-sized LPAR sized perfectly for your needs. And, generally less expensive than an on premise server.
PowerVM Can Give You Better Hosting Performance
It gets even better with virtualized storage.
While it is not commonly known, your performance is only as fast as the number of physical disk units. A new entry POWER server cannot support more than 10 physical disk drives. While a POWER8 core may be rated at 10,000 CPW, the physical disk limitation may only give you about 2,000 CPW.
If you are a small user that only needs about 800 GB of storage, you would only need about (4) 283 GB disk units. And you would get about 800 CPW. Nowhere near the 10,000 CPW rated speed of the processor.
With PowerVM storage virtualization, the IBM i hosting provider can allocate your 800 GB to 10, 20 or more disk units in the virtualized storage so your performance is NOT limited to the number of physical disk units. So you can get better performance with a small LPAR than with a small POWER server!
PowerVM Makes IBM i Cloud Hosting Possible And Affordable With Terrific Performance
Now you know that PowerVM makes hosting possible, affordable and with terrific performance through server virtualization.
That’s why you should care.
Need Help?
Call me at 714-593-0387 or email me at [email protected]. Let us know how we can help!
To learn more about us, and view our customer testimonials, please visit our website: and see our other links:
1) IBM I on POWER (iSeries/AS400)
2) IBM I (iSeries/AS400) Cloud Hosting
3) IBM I (iSeries/AS400) Disaster Recovery Options
4) IBM I (iSeries/AS400) Version Upgrade