13 Steps To Get FREE IBM i (iSeries/AS400) Software Keys For Your Backup Server – THE SEQUEL

This blog is The Sequel to How To Get FREE IBM Software Keys For Your Backup Server. Since my last blog on this topic, I became aware of IBM’s newest […]

Disclaimer: IBM i is an operating system. iSeries and AS400 are servers. I use these terms interchangeably to make it easy for folks to find this kind of information on the web.


This blog is The Sequel to How To Get FREE IBM Software Keys For Your Backup Server. Since my last blog on this topic, I became aware of IBM’s newest Backup Form to get IBM LPP Software Keys.  Just like my last blog, my purpose is to explain the latest process so it is easier to understand and execute.


Many IBM i (iSeries/AS400) users have a Backup Machine to continue to run their critical applications when unexpected downtime occurs. This can be as simple as a Backup Machine ready to run within 16-28 hours from a tape backup to real-time mirroring of a Primary Machine to a target system for failover in 5 minutes.


Oftentimes, the Backup Machine is your last production server when you upgrade to a new IBM i server, like retaining your POWER6 8203-E4A when you replace it with your new POWER8 8286-41A. It can also be a Capacity Backup Unit (CBU) – the same server configuration as the production server except designated as the CBU target server when you order both servers new.

When you have a Backup Machine, IBM permits you to have copies of your IBM Licensed Program Products (LPPs) on your target server without paying a license fee. For midrange IBM i users a second copy of IBM LLPs generally costs in a range of $10,000 – $20,000 or more. So it is a good deal to get your target server IBM LLPs WITHOUT paying the license fees.

IBM requires special registration to get your IBM LLPs for your Backup Machine.

The good news…while this form is far more specific, it can be completed by your IBM Business Partner (BP) who is most likely familiar with your needs and a likely Backup Machine expert. This new process should make the task of getting your FREE Backup Machine much easier and a lot less confusing for you.

So, what’s needed to complete the Backup Machine Form?

Here goes:

Step 1 – You must complete a “Backup Form December 1 2015.” You can get this form from your IBM Business Partner or IBM. This is a Word document.

Step 2 – The IBM Key Center requires this form to be completed in Word. The IBM Key Center will reject your form if it is NOT completed in Word. Please be aware of this to avoid delays and frustration.

Step 3 – This form can be completed by an IBM Representative or IBM Partner Representative. This is good as because your IBM BP can do this for you.

Step 4 – This form can only be used for IBM i LLPs available via e-config, the IBM configuration tool. This form does not include IBM software keys for Passport Advantage, such as MQSeries.

Step 5 – If the Backup Machine has a Capacity Backup Feature, a CBU registration is also required. The CBU registration is generally handled by your IBM BP.

Step 6 – This Backup Form clearly specifies you can have 2 year temporary licenses.

Step 7 – This Backup Form specifies that temporary keys are sent to the email address of the customer contact specified on the form as well as available on the Entitled Systems Support (ESS) web site at http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/ under the customer number for the Backup Machine.

Step 8 – This Backup Form is very specific that no entitlements are created.

Step 9 – Information that the IBM or BP Representative must provide include:

Date of Request

Request Type (new Primary and  Backup Machine Designation, Renewal Keys, etc.)

Customer Contact, Email Address and Company Name

Backup Machine Type-Model, Serial Number, Processor Group, Customer Number

Primary Machine Type-Model, Serial Number, Processor Group, Customer Number

IBM i Version (i.e. V7R1)

Is the Backup Machine registered as an IBM Registered CBU? Yes__ No __

IBM or BP Representative Name, Email Address, Country and Telephone Number

Step 10 – This Backup Form specifies the Worldwide IBM Key Center email address and the subject line to streamline the processing of the request.

Step 11 – This Backup Form provides very clear terms and conditions by which the IBM LLPs are provided. This is a really helpful section. I have explained the IBM terms and conditions many times to clients. This version is very clear and easy to understand. Key issues include:

  1. These LLPs software keys are temporary and for a 2 year term.
  2. Productive work on a Backup Server requires permanent licenses. This means if you use BRMS on both your Backup and Primary Servers for tape backup, BRMS must be permanently licensed to the Backup Servers as well as the Primary Server.
  3. The Backup Server must have sufficient capacity to function as a Backup Server for the Primary Server.
  4. The Backup Server cannot be CPW rating greater than the Primary Server, unless the client or the Backup Recovery Service Provider create a partition for the purpose of backing up the Primary Server and provide verification that the CPW rating of the partition on the Backup Machine does not exceed the CPW rating for the Primary machine.
  5. If the customer upgrades their IBM i release on the Primary Machine and requires upgraded temporary keys on the Backup Machine, active SWMA must exist on the Backup Machine to allow this upgrade.

Step 12 – Upon termination of the Backup Machine Designation, the customer or the Representative must notify the IBM Key Center to change the designation, explain the disposition of the machine (i.e. sold, placed in storage, returned after lease, scrapped, etc.), and request deactivation of temporary keys. On the Backup Machine remove the LLPs and the temporary keys.

Step 13 – Specify IBM LPPs including the Product (i.e. 5770SS1), Version (i.e. V7R1) and Load ID (i.e. feature code 5050, 5051, etc.).

To be clear, IBM software can have features. For example, your IBM i 5770SS1 may also have the feature to print up to 55 lpm on laser printers. This feature code is 5112. So, Load ID 5112 needs to be specified.

It is important to note that even if you are running at a particular OS level, i.e. V7R1M0, some licensed programs will show at a lower OS level such as QU2 which often is at V1R1MO.  You must request the backup keys at the level listed on the production server for that LPP.

You can find your IBM LPPs with the command GOLICPGM.

It is also important to note that this program is ONLY for IBM LPPs, it cannot be used to provide Hardware Keys, Base OS keys, or Processor or user Entitlements.

Final Point

Clearly, this is a task you may only do once every 2 years or whenever you setup a DR solution. If this seems tricky, then work with your IBM Business Partner or your DR consultant to work through this procedure.

Need More Help?

I would be happy to help out. Email me at [email protected] or call me at 714-593-0387.




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